Imagine it's Easter. But you think it's Christmas.
In Germany, 300,000 people develop dementia every year. Mixing up dates can be a first sign.
Easter 2023 JvM NEXT ALSTER together with EDEKA and oscar-winning director James Marsh drew attention to the topic with an emotional film.

Alongside the film, we created the EDEKA #Weihnachtshase. A chocolate bunny with Christmas elements, for which EDEKA donated 1 Euro per bunny sold to the Alzheimer-Forschung Initiative e.V.

Scope of work
Social Media
Thanks team!
Chief Creative Officer
Daniel Schaefer
Chief Creative Officer
Szymon Rose
Managing Creative Director
Thomas Heyen
Client Service Director
Florian Laufenberg
Creative Director
Melis Adigüzel
Ideation & Senior Art Director
Jörg van der Vegte
Ideation & Senior Film Director
Oliver Bernotat
Account Director
Simon Zinserling
Sophie Lotsch